Everything you ever wanted in one place, secure and simplified. Imagine an instant messenger and all the basic tools you ever use on your personal computer gathered all in one mini interface easy and portable as a smart phone and without the need of installations at any pc. Simple as that. Carry this multi-software at any flash disk like a mobile and use all your data and your very basic needed tools at any pc anytime, anywhere. Enjoy your favorite music, radio broadcasts and movies with the embed players while you are chating, coding or reading with the embed code and text editor or while doing other stuff on your personal computer. Many tools and services offline and online are waiting for you such as instant messenger, callendar, alarms, contacts list, passwords and bookmarks manager, games, music and movies manager, movie, music and e-radio player, text-code reader and editor, torrent client, ftp client and many other tools with more to come. The easiest one-click system you will ever see on a multi-software ever and it will stay that way. All services and tools are free and free will remain, no ads, no paid services and tools.
Explore uniqueness and simplicity in a free and powerful compact and portable multi software.
Λ Μακεδονία Pad
Authentic, Reliable, Pioneer, Innovative, Explore Uniqueness, Explore Simplicity.
The most powerful compact one-click all in one free portable software and yet above all builded to keep safe your personal local data and online account by using multiple strong encryptions.
Input and Save any kind of data you like in any way without limitations and restrictions.
Keep your local data private and secure without the need of internet connection at any pc at any place at any time using powerful encryption.
Seperated online account with it`s tools and services, without affecting your local data in one easy step.
Professional callendar - alarms - contacts list - note system and much more to use it the way you need it.
Use the most secure till now p2p messenger chat system based on Tox with your friends.
Enjoy your favorite music, radio broadcasts and movies with our embed players.
Many tools and services offline and online are waiting for you at the main menou.
Your handy and portable daily multi-tool that can keep your world organized and secure.
We don`t sell or use any of our members informations and online data anywhere.
We don`t use cookies, we don`t like cookies.
We like privacy, we respect privacy. Do you ?
The easiest one-click system you will ever see on a multi-software ever and it will stay that way.
Portable as carrying a folder into a removable disk and ready to be used anywhere, anytime.
Use all available offline and online tools without installations, hassle and problems at any pc.
All services and tools are free and free will remain, no ads, no paid services and tools. Supported only by donations.
Embed update to keep you up to new offline-online tools and services, bug fixes or optimizations.
FLASH - Requires the free Flash Player to be installed. If you don`t have it download it from here.
DOWNLOAD - Become a member and enjoy. Available for Windows 7,8,10 Macintosh and Linux Coming Up...
DONATE - We keep this software FREE of ads, paid services and tools.
Macedonia Software Information
Running Version : 1.1
First Build : 11/10/2010
Release Date : 11/10/2015
Public Release Date : 20/07/2018
Update Date : 13/05/2019
This software was first started at 2010 and finished at 2012 in Hellenic(Greek) language and never went to public under the name of Macedonia PcPod.
From 2013 until 2015 is was rebuilded with bigger user interface and better abilities as software, renamed to LMacPad for worldwide use in English language.
The release date officially was at 11/10/2015 and from that day until the first public release date at 20/07/2018 was on testing, beta, and non-public
stable release for personal use and only from our developer`s team.
From 20/07/2018 this desktop application is now public for all and with free access to all services, tools and anything that this software has inside.
The developer`s team are free and independant software programmers, they have no relationship with organizations, secret or no secret ones,
political or not parties, clubs, associations, companies, contractors, investements, bribery and any other form of teams or companions except their own software and idea to develop together for them and for you.
The developer`s team is like your common next door people with the same needs as any other common man or woman you know in person.
Contact with the developer`s team can be achieved only through the LMacPad software and after you create an online account.
Contact, Terms Of Use, Third Party Licenses, About, Help And Support are inside this software.
New tools and services are being added, at each automatic update of this multi software.
About LMacPad Macedonia Multiware
This multiware as we call it, is a unique worldwide prototype and pioneer multi-software like a toolbox.
You have all the basic needed tools and services in a unique and simple software under freeware license without limitations of use
and with encryptions in each area local and online to keep your data secure as much as possible and ofcourse in a portable way that you can
take it and carry everything into a usb external disk drive or anywhere you like and use it also anywhere you want without installations or extra actions.
This software is pioneer from the first idea that created back at 2010 and developed as our first multiware under the name of PcPod which never went public.
At that time not even well known companies had connected their multiple tools and services under one account and with
the big difference about it, is that our software from the first edition till now respects users and usage privacy and will never force you to be online
in order to use many of your data that you personally store inside this software.
We don`t collect data or informations of any of our members or users, we don`t collect your likes or habits or interests or anything that you store inside your own
multiware database, you are free to use offline your data secure with encryption and with no need to get online to retrieve or edit your data in most cases.
For the online services and tools that requires internet connectivity the data is seperated and stored encrypted too for you to be
able to use it whenever and wherever you like again with no information or data collected by us or anyone else but only by you who store it the
way you like to store and show it in our online services to all other members or just for your own personal use.
- Important -
Do not move or modify the LMacPad Folder if it is allready running at your system.
If you need to move it to a new disk drive, usb, external drives... First Right-Click on the LMacPad at your system tray and press Exit.
If you ever paid for anything around this multi-software ask for your money back
(except if you have made a donation by your own from this webpage or from within the software interface at the donation choice)
from anywhere else and for anything else that has to do with money about this software ask for your money back.
Do not Login and use your Online Account over metered internet connections. It makes use of quite a lot of bandwith for security and not only reasons.
- Spread The Word -
Your handy and portable daily multi-tool that can keep your world organized and secure.
You can run it all day all night long without problems and open it from your system tray at any time needed.
You can take everything with you at your usb external disk and do whatever you like from anywhere.
You can`t even imagine how many possibilities and usabilities you will find by using this multi-tool.
The most powerful compact one-click free portable all-in-one software you will ever find.
The limitations of what you can do with it is up to you...
Explore LMacPad - Explore Uniqueness and Simplicity
Software Naming and abbrevations
LMacPad ΛMacPad name is a syntomography of Λ Macedonia Pad full name.
With respect to ancient hellenic history and since a name representing hundreds of city states and hellenic civilizations and cultures raised during hellenistic periods cannot be created, LMac name is a selection of the two extra ordinary hellenic states, among all others :
L (Λ in hellenic language) stands for Sparta and Lakedemonians.
Mac for Macedonia and Macedonians.
Pad stands for the interface and the way of using it as a powerful portable mobile pad in which many and different tools and services are combined and being used as one big multiware/multisoftware/multitool.
Abbrevations :
Μακεδονία, Makedonia, Macedonia
ΛMacPad, LMacPad, ElMacPad
ΛMac, LMac, ElMac
λmacpad, lmacpad, elmacpad
Summary and Future of LMacPad
LMacPad is a unique multiware and is freeware. It can be used as a complete organizer and toolbox for anything you may need in your simple and daily pc life activities, offline and online. It is the only software that can turn your computer into a portable mobile because is mainly used to store and organize encrypted and secure all of your data such as (contacts, passwords, bookmarks, music etc.) at it`s personal offline database manager and you only may access, even from an external USB flash drive and use any tool, service or data that comes with it, without installations and extra actions at any computer.
LMacPad has been developed in c++ language and is using Flash Player (ActiveX for Internet Explorer) as it`s unique and marvelous graphical user interface.
Though LMacPad is created as a portable desktop only freeware for the mobile future plans LMac will be using a mobile friendly interface and that may become also the new later interface for desktops too so you can use the very basic and needed parts of LMacPad services (such as secure passwords manager, bookmarks, contacts etc) and your stored data in all platforms by using the same secure offline database.
- As main principal of LMac is that all of your data stays secure and encrypted at your local offline database and no one is forcing you in any way to be connected at any online service, website, server or online account in order to access, edit or create your own data at your own multiware.
No one can know, gather or share information about your local offline account and stored data inside LMacPad or how you use it except you.
LMacPad respects privacy and believes in freedom that`s why it uses the safe two way account system :
1. The basic and main account, which is the local (offline) account, it is the one that you create when you first run LMacPad, in order to use this multi software.
2. The second account, is a separated extra account for the use of online services and tools which most of them are not visible and cannot be accessed without it.
Online account data and information is separated from the offline account and stored encrypted too, so you can use it whenever and wherever is needed and any information or data you share from your online profile is accessible only through this multiware`s interface, tools, services and members and cannot be accessed over www or a website.
As an online member of LMacPad you are inside a private social media network with it`s own secure private instant messenger and communication system.
- The second principal in which this multiware is build on, is the simplicity of usage and the simplicity of user interface that makes it so easy, as a mobile in use.
It runs smooth and memory efficient at your operating system task bar, without bothering you, while using your computer and is there for a quick access at your secure data and tools when you needed them.
It uses the simplest and easiest one-click system you will ever see on a multi software and it will stay that way while adding more services and tools.
- Third but not least principal is that this multi software has no limitations in usage and all tools or services, offline and online are free and with no advertises or commercials.
Macedonia LMac Online Presence
Facebook Page
Youtube Channel
Youtube How to videos
Youtube About Page
Softpedia Review
Software Informer
Free Download Manager
Podnova Windows Library
Macedonia LMac Software PAD
LMacPad Software Icon
LMacPad Software Screen Shot
LMacPad Software XML PAD
LMacPad Software Versions Index
= Version 1.0 =
- Main Menou
The Vergina Sign is the main menou that will be your one click destination for anything you need inside this multiware.
Other main menou options are on the main screen of this multisoftware for you to explore them but this is the most basic of them all.
- Contacts
Contact list is a list of person contacts. For those who like to have a full orginized contacts list with many details and informations if needed.
The contacts can act as a complete agenda in a combination with the callendar, it can show contact`s birthdays and namedays in your callendar if appropiate informations are saved in your contacts.
Beside the simple informations and safety gives you the simplicity with one click in each contact to connect to personal websites, social media network pages, blogs, emails directly through your email application and also have all the informations you may need to store in any contact you like.
You can use the search bar to find quick and easy contacts that you need be entering letters or words included in their names or surnames or even nicknames.
- KeyBase
Keybase holds secure and orginized all your neccessary passwords and usernames for any type of account you may need.
Online accounts, local accounts or even off pc`s passwords that you need to keep safe and orginized inside a keyholder.
You have an easy access to application executables or weblinks by using the appropiate buttons and informations.
You can use the copy - paste utility without even have to see or even know the passwords or the usernames inside your listings.
All Informations are camouflazed with asterisks except the account title which is used for indentifying purposes in your lists and also for your search queries.
- Bookmarks
Bookmarks like in any browser is your saved web links.In this application you can save your bookmarks as in any browswer.
You have the benefit though to save as much as you like without affecting your browswer load time or runtime
and also carry them pretected inside LMacPad application and use them at any time at any pc and with any default browser without affecting of importing and exporting anything.
Just click on your saved bookmark and you are ready to go anywhere.
- MusicBase
Musicbase can act as your list holder for your music files by storing your prefered music folder paths.
On your left screen area you can add the paths to your music folders from your hard disk drives, dvd`s, flash disk drives or other storage places and then listen the content of these folders.
From these stored music folders you add songs to your playlists by choosing the ones you like.
Playlists are on your right screen and you may add, remove and rename them or their content without limitation.
On your middle screen your selection option appears with it`s content list, folder music lists or playlist music list.
Musicbase can be accessed from the main menou choice and from your music player choices at the bottom of this application screen.
- Music Player (Λ-Music-Player Embed)
Music Player is the main player for your music folders list or playlists but also can switch to an online e-radio player so you can listen music files or e-radio broadcasts according to your needs.
Music Player is located always at this applications main interface at the bottom of the main screen and can accessed easy and quick at any time needed.
The choices of the Music Player are changing according to what you are listening.
If you select a song file from your musicbase lists it will swap to the Music Player with it`s options and if you choose a e-radio from this applications e-radio listings it will swap to an E-Radio Player with it`s options.
- GameBase
Gamebase can be your box full of any kind of games you like.In this box you can add as many games as you like in any prefered category you choose and keep it as a personal game database.
You may store all the games you played and play and you can store the games path from optical drives, hard disk drives and links via internet.
Inside each game you may add your personal notes for any reason and also use a desired image as front for any game.
For any game stored in the list gamebase offers you the utility to click and play instantly, without searching folders or shortcuts or anything else.
You just clik to run the game you want from the list as saved.
The game categories are predefined and you don`t need to create any category at all.
You can choose which of all categories you want to view on your gamebase categories list by just checking or unchecking the appropiate category name at the settings choice of this application.
Except the favorites category all other categories can be removed from your lists or readded on runtime, note here that any category that contains games stored inside it, cannot be removed from the list until all the games are moved to other list or deleted from that category listing.
- MovieBase
This is the place where your personal movie list could be stored.You can have the basic informations you need for your movies, you can provide a link to imdb and use that movie informations or use your own style with all the informations you like.
You create your own categories and enter whatever movies you like inside them, you can also add online movie links as well as your collections in optical drives disks or hard disk drives or external disk drives movie folders.
It`s your choice it`s your movie base it`s your style.You can easy switch the results of the movies listing to any order you like from position added, year and or votes.
With your moviebase full of movies you can also have your personal playlist of movies to sit back and enjoy them whenever you like with this application movie player.
The search bar helps you find quickly your prefered movie by searching your personal titles you have stored into the database.
The extra options about the movie can help you find movies paths and files.
- Movie Player (Λ-Player)
You can watch any of your movies from your lists or playlist directly from this software`s movie player.
It plays all the basic movie file types and many other as well.
The files our application movie player supports are : avi,mpg,mpeg,mpe,m1v,m2v,mpv2,mp2v,pva,evo,m2p,ts,tp,trp,m2t,m2ts,mts,rec,vob,ifo,mkv,webm,mp4,m4v,mpv4,hdmov,mov,3gp,3gpp,3ga,3g2,3gp2,flv,ogm,rm,rmvb,rt,ram,rpm,rmm,rp,smi,smil,wmv,wmp,wm,asf,smk,bik,fli,flc,flic,dsm,dsv,dsa,dss,ivf,swf,divx,amv,qt,bdmv,dat,asx,mpa
- StockBase
StockBase is your main storage of any kind of item you need to have as listing with many options inside them.
You can create as many categories as you like and add inside each category or subcategory items with links, docs, executable files, folder locations, image, description, identification number, quantity as well as price.
On your left screen are the categories list of your stockbase.
On your main center screen are the items of your selected category.
On your right screen you have the details and options from the selected item.
- Zodiacs
Zodiacs is a stable and only informative choise about the zodiac signs whether you believe in these or not.
If you like to be informed about the basic characteristics and other stable informations about any zodiac sign or curious to check out the zodiac circle.
You select the prefered zodiac sign by rotating the circle left or right until the sign you are interested in is at the middle of the circle lighten up and on right screen you can see it`s details and informations.
On your left screen is the four elements that zodiacs are assigned to and basic informations about them besides their individual details.
- Help And Support
Here you can find anything you like about this multiware software tools or services.
For every choice, option, button, tool or service inside LMacPad software a unique help article is created.
In every update there may be changes in articles.
- Donate
As you can read in the screen of 'Donation' selection, it is a free of will donation amount to the developers of this application.
The application will continue to bring you new services and updates, becoming better in any way, the effort we make for this application is depending only on this donation way and only this will be our only feedback for our efforts in profit.
All our services will be free for all the members accepted to use this application according to the main line that we keep in the terms of use of this application.
A donation can only be made via paypal for the time being and none of personal or other information of the donators will be used from us in this application or outside of it.
The donation that you or any other member offer to us is much appreciated and indeed gives us strength to our efforts, we are thankfull in advance for any donation made and will be made, but in none case a donation makes us enslaved to any of the donators or provides extra posibilities or bendness to our terms and conditions of this applications use.
Any member donator or not is treated and will be treated as all other members including us the developers.
The act of donation it self is as an act of a help giving or a thankfull reply and strength to our courage and efforts to give you the best out of this application and services.
- Terms Of Use
Terms of use is our main line, line in which we keep our application and services balanced with our members.
It is wise for any member to stay inside these terms and conditions otherwise will be banned without being able to use our services.
In the worst case scenario our application will not be able to be used by a banned member and any saved data personal or not inside this application will be lost forever according to this members level of missbehaviour to out conditions and terms.
We like our application and services to be clean, clean it is, clean will be and clean will remain.
Any members that will be spoted as threat to other members or to our services and functionality of this application will be banned without a second thought.
If your intentions are good you have nothing to worry about.
- About
About choice has the version of your running application and small informations about this software.
Also it has all the third party licenses that this multisoftware uses inside some of it`s services or as external executable files.
- E-Radio
E-radio is the list of all accepted e-radio broadcasts that members submited at this application.
You can choose e-radio by countries - area - city or even by searching names inside the listings.
Also you can choose which radio broadcast types you like to see on your listing by selecting your prefered ones inside the settings choice, if you select some and not all the broadcast types, your e-radio list and search queries will be filtered with your prefered broadcast categories.
If you want to add a new e-radio broadcast stream to our list you can do that at your 'Membership Choices' and by filling in the appropite informations in 'My Radio' choice. You can add as many e-radio streams as you like. In case you are an owner of any of the listing e-radios or you want to add your own e-radio stream you can add it and contact us so we can attach your e-radio to your personal profile.By doing so you will have informations about unique visits and listens on your radio and also you will be able to edit and update or even delete it. Also at your online profile will be visible that you have an e-radio stream along with its statistical information visible or not to all other members according to your settings on your personal online profile.
Not all e-radio broadcasts may be accepted by the developers team but that doesn`t have to do with personal or other reasons but strictly to developers decision.
E-radio can be accessed from the main menou choice and from within it`s lists you can listen to any of the desired e-radio broadcasts.
Also after choosing any of the e-radio the Music Player on the main screen changes to the E-Radio Player with it`s appropiate choices and you can access quickly again the e-radio lists or your favorites from these options.
If you want to switch back to Music Player from E-Radio Player you have to go through your musicbase and select a song to listen.
You can have a quick listing of all your favorite e-radios you usually hear by adding them to your favorite list.
- NameDays
Namedays in many countries are the days that a person celebrates his name according to it`s individual day.
Many different nameday celebrations can exist at the same day or also none at all.
This choice becomes available after you log in to your online account at the callendar note list screen and at the main menou choices.
At the main menou at the 'Namedays' choice you can only see today`s list of people namedays.
In the callendar note list screen though you can find the namedays according to your selected callendar date.
Our database has the appropiate values for specific countries namedays cause not all of the countries celebrates the names of people.
If you have found a missinformed data value in any country date that you may know for sure that needs to be corrected you can 'Contact Us' and let us know what and which date needs to be updated, replaced and or other missinformation may exist.
Also for a new country that our database doesn`t have any namedays you can provide us through 'Contact Us' with all the informations according to days and the names of the celebrating ones.
We appreciate any effort and help that you will provide us in mistakes, updates or new values in the namedays data and not only.
- Members
Members are all the users that aquired this multi software and created also an online account for using our online services.
You can access it only by the main menou option and you can see the quick informations of each member on your right screen by selecting any of the members list.
If you want to see a members full profile, you can press the 'Full Profile' option at your right screen.
Additional actions with the selected member can only be achieved through the Λ-Profile Viewer if not allready in your friend list.
- Λ-Profile Viewer
In each profile the Λ-Profile Viewer can give you all the prefered by the member informations chosen to show to all other members.
All options such as Voting, Messaging, Gifting and Add friend request or Remove from friends list can be accessed through any members profile.
Members also can be found in your friend list if any added and can be easy found through your personal instant messenger or at your mailbox friends listing.
- Invite Friends
Invite friends gives you the ability to send and inform your friends by sending an automatic email about this software you like to use and share with them.
You can use this service once a day regardless how many email numbers you will send inside it`s limits.
- Ftp Client (Λ-Ftp)
Λ-Ftp - File Tranfer Protocol is a client that allows you to download and upload files from online servers or even local.
On your main Ftp client screen you have a quick connect with input fields such as the server the port the username and the password for a quick connect.
You can login to any server you know the login initials, address and port in two ways, the quick one mentioned above and then pressing 'Connect'
or by pressing the 'Connections' button in which you may store your prefered servers with all their informations you need for quick login.
- Torrent Client (Λ-Torrent)
Λ-Torrent is a full torrent client that has all the basic and not only available options any regular torrent user may need.
You can simple Drag and Drop at any time your .torrent files on your torrent client screen and the torrent informations screen will show you all the informations of this torrent file.
You can create your own .torrent file and seed it.
You can also open magnet links directly to this application if needed.
Also there is an option to use a url .torrent file by giving the http:// or https:// link of the web .torrent file to be added.
Before adding or creating a torrent it will be wise to check first the Settings tab.
In the Settings tab you can find all the available options that you may need to set for your client as in any torrent client.
- Contact Us
The only way that you can contact developers team is through this application main menou option 'Contact Us'.
By selecting the appropiate reason for contact, enter the subject and send us your message.
You must consider the fact that we can`t reply to all messages neither can make contact with everyone that contacts us.
A respond may be delayed or even not neccessary and you will be informed inside your 'News' at your 'Membership Choices' if there is any.
This option is provided only for the reasons and can only be used for that reasons that are visible at the scroll down menou inside this option.
- Statistics
Statistics keeps track of some informations about this software.
You can see instant at any time the number of users, members and online members as well as the top 10 countries according to the members total number from each country.
By Total Users we refer to the users that have downloaded and aquire this software as unique number according to ip and not multiple downloads or application updates.
By Total Members we refer to the total unique online accounts created by users.For each user one online account can be created.
By Online Members we refer to the real time online members logged in to this application online services.
- Compress Uncompress Files / Folders
Compress Uncompress Files / Folders is a tool that can do as it says.
It shrinks the size of files and or folders into one exported compressed file and the opposite, it can uncompress an allready compressed file and unpack the files packed inside it.
For the time being the supported files for compressing and uncompressing are the .zip files
- Calculators - Converters
In this option you will find all the calculators, converters and other usefull instruments that comes handy in many cases.
This list will keep updating with new online or local handy instruments as time goes by.
- Calculator
It is a simple mathematical calculator.It keeps also your calculations history in case needed until you press the 'Clear History' or logout from this application.
- Capacitor Claculator
Capacitor Calculator is a simple Ceramic - Tantalum - Film Calculator that gives you the capacitance, the working temperature and voltage of a capacitor as well as the tolerance if any indicated according to your input values.
- Resistor Calculator
In the resistor calculator you can find the resistance value and efficiency according to resistance colors.
Choose the type to be similar to your resistor according to the stripes number (3 - band, 4 - band, 5 - band, 6 - band).
Enter the color to each stripe and get the results.
- Smd Capacitor Calculator
The Surface Mount technology of the capacitors found on electronics circuits.
Choose the type according to the one you have and enter the appropiate values to get the results in capacitance and capacitor specifications if any.
- Smd Resistor Calculator
The Surface Mount technology of the resistors found on electronics circuits.
Enter the smd resistor code in the field and choose also any other parameters that your smd resistor may have to match the ones on your screen image and get the appropiate smd resistance and resistor specifications as a result.
- Area Converter
- Bytes Converter
- Length Converter
- Ohms Converter
- Temperature Converter
- Time Converter
- Weight Converter
- Farad Converter
- Henry Converter
- Currency Converter
Currency convertion is an online service and can be accessed only when you log in to your online account and helps you convert from any currency to any other you want.
The currency converter also has the option to use five predefined currency convertions that you may usually use and store them for quick access at any time even in reverse mode between them.
In any converter you will find on this list, they convert a specific convertion type value to another same type convertion value according to what they refer to.
For e.x. a temperature converter helps you to convert a celsius value to fahrenheit and many other type values of temperature results.
- Connection Statistics
This option that is used on the running clock of this software and can be accessed at any time only through there can give you a small security information on your date and time you logged in to your accounts local or online and from which address you logged in for each one of them,
so for your local account you will find your operating system account name that you used and for your online account you will find your unique ip address that you logged in.
Inside each list local or online you will find always your latest ten logins including the latest one that you are running right now as first to each list.
- Callendar
Callendar on your right top corner of the screen have everything you need as a callendar with sunrise and sunset, your notes with symbols on the callendar and ofcourse celebrations of your contact list as well as the phases of the moon.
The Callendar with the callendar notes list becomes a fully organized agneda combining also your contacts list informations on it so you can have everything in place easy and quick.
It also gives you the ability to have alarms, timers, reminders, count down schedules and many other options inside it`s note options or even use the notes as simple as that on your prefered days.
Another option you wil see always on your callendar days notes or on any date is the weather forecast.It will be always there as a note for you to recieve forecast for your applied area.
It gives a quick forecast for the next three to four days and if you like more details you can click on it after recieving the data and watch a full day accurate weather forecast splitted by three hours zones.
An accurate forecast depends on your sign up details you have allready entered, so it is wise to use the correct values.
Other notes may appear as well on your birthday celebration in that day notes listing or other big celebrations according to some days.
- Selected Date Content
- Sunrise - Sunset Times Calculation
- Moon Phases Calculation
- Weather
- 3~4 days download prediction
- Notes
- Alarms
- Contact`s Namedays
- Contact`s Birthdays
- Lock Application
Lock application closes application interface instantly and returns the application to it`s first state of login area in any case this may be needed.
All services still runs inside the software but are not visible or acoustical for any reason you may want to protect your data quickly without exiting the application.
In order to continue you just have to reenter your local initials and you will continue from where you were, with all the choices as you made them so far before locking this application.
If you choose to exit the application after it`s lock state it will be the same as exiting the application from it`s normal state.
A normal exit of this application can only be achieved through the tray icon by 'Right Clicking' on it and then pressing 'Exit'.
Otherwise you may loose valuable data or even having problems logging in again to your account.
Music Player, Λ-Player, Radio Player, Λ-Profile Viewer, Alarms, Λ-Torrent Client, Λ-Ftp Client or any other visual or acoustical service is paused and hidden immediatly while locked until you deside to login again and continue or just exit this application.
- Protection Menou
In the near future of application updates, protection menou will be enabled and each Vergina spoke will have an option of protection for your computer.
Protection such as antivirus, registry and hard disk cleaner, firewall and many other protection tools that will make your computer and privacy safer online and offline.
- Settings
All settings and options you will need in this application services and for this application in general can be accessed from the main application screen at any time on the top choices.
Inside the settings list you will have the basic settings according to your status, local only settings if not logged in to your online account or all setting options if you are logged in also to your online account.
Some settings of online services such as Λ-Torrent client are always at the clients interface for quick access at runtime.
For all other services all settings are inside this settings list.
You may change your account login initials, location values, time offset, temperature unit selection, set the moviebase`s prechoices, choose game and e-radio prefered categories for listing inside each one of them, start - up option for this application and database backup or clean database to restart with empty entries except your accounts local or online initials.
Caution ! When you change local account initials such as password or username it only affects your running local database and not the backups you have made before the change in any of your login initials.
You have to remove or remember your previous login initials if you need after changes to be able to access your previous backups.
It is wise every time you change initials to create a new backup of your database with your new login values and delete the previous backups you have made in case anything goes wrong.
In that way you will be able to login with your last updated login values instead of try to find your previous login initials for the previous backups.
Some of the settings such as 'Time Offset' and 'Location' are needed for some services to work effiently and accurate for example weather forecast as well as sunrise and sunset on your callendar days and many other services that needs these values to work properly.
None of your personal data except your country, area and city are stored anywhere else than your local accounts database and none of them is used for any other reason than the ones they are supposed to be used inside our services and only there.
Note here that for your online account you can only change your password after you create one.
- Change Local Account Initials
- Username
- Password
- Email
- Change Online Password
- Change Location
- Country
- State
- City
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Change Time Offset
- Change Temperature Unit
- Celsius
- Fahrenheit
- Change MovieBase Attributes
- Delete Playlist On Exit
- Basic Startup Movies List Order
- Delete Permantly or Move To Uncategorized List
- Change Game Categories
- Change E-Radio Categories
- Database Options
- Backup
'Database backup' is a nessecary option that you have to keep it in mind after you make changes in any of our services by adding, removing or updating entries inside them so in any case something goes wrong and you cannot login to your local account to retrieve your latest backup database with all the latest data and restore this failure of your data.
It is wise to always have it in mind after changes you made in entries and data personal or not inside this application.
Everytime you create a backup for your data a new folder with accurate time of hours_minutes_seconds and date is created for you at your MyBackups folder in order to have your backup plan about your data entries at any time.
You don`t have to keep all of the backups you made but at least one or two latest backups for any situation they are needed.
Also don`t forget that after changing your login initials you will propably want to delete all your previous backups cause of wrong initials.
Another reason that you don`t have to hold all your backups except the hard disk space that may need is that at every update of this application many previous backups and especially older ones will have to be removed though for security reasons before the update begins a latest backup folder is created automatically for you in your MyBackup folder in case anything goes wrong while updating.
In the same way you should consider using wisely this backup security option cause you only need one or two latest backups of your latest data and as latest we mean the latest data that was updated in some entries for example new weather forecast downloaded, a new contact created etc...
- Clear
'Database clean' can be used if you want to clean all your database from any value inside it`s services and restart the application with a clean database using the same account local and online.
- Start - Up Options
- Close Online Account
In the settings while you are logged in to your online account you will find also the 'Close Online Account' choice which gives you the ability to close and delete your now running online account but you will not be able to use any of the online services anymore until you create a new one.
- Membership Choices
The membership choices are all the choices of your online account, the online services that you can use are updated in the main menou while you log in to your online account but these options are your personal ones and from them you can recieve news and updates, edit your personal informations, check your personal mailbox inside this application and other choices that may be updated from time to time.
The option to logout from your online account can be accessed only from this option and you may log in again back at any time.
- My News
'News' are for each member unique according to their activity inside this application.
Most options of the news are just informative as feedback and when you see them it will be removed from your news without having to delete or check again for them but others may need your attention.
When you have news and you are not inside your membership choices your Nickname option will start blinking until you check them.
If you are allready inside your membership choices the news option will start blinking indicating that you have to check your news.
- Warnings
'Warnings' is the most caution part of the news system cause it may lead you to a ban if you do not pay attention to what it says if any warnings ever come to your personal news system.
- System Messages
'System Messages' informs you as feedback for any activity you made to your profile and it was accepted by the developers team or not.
When you add a new picture, create personal folders, adding your e-radio broadcast stream, editing your e-radio informations and all actions that needs feedback by the developers team about it`s status of acceptance or declinance will be found at this option.
- Admin Replies
'Admin replies' is your replies from the developers team regarding your 'Contact Us' communication from within this application.
There you can send back a message or not according the status of the responded message from the developers team.
- New Messages
- Messages Readed by Reciepters
- New Gifts
- New Friend Requests
- Accepted Friend Request
- Rejected Friendship
All other news will show up when you have made or other member made a contact with you, such as new messages from other members awaiting to be read by you or your messages that have been read by other members, friend requestes that you send and were rejected or accepted by other members or the oposite way friend requests from other members that you have to accept or decline and this action can performed only through this news system.
- My Profile
'My Profile choice' is your online created account to our online services.
This is your account`s visible information to all other members or wherever you wish your profile to be visible according to your choices.
Your profile can show your activity inside this application services along with some informations about you such as nickname, country, city, age, gender, personal or not images that you may upload, friendships with other members of this application, gifts sended or recieved with other members and ofcourse all of these options can be visible or not according to your needs and choices inside this application.
Setting up your visibility of your profile tabs to other members of this application can be accessed at your Λ-Profile Viewer main screen of basic informations by changing the four options at the bottom of that screen.
At the photos area there is also another way, to have a lock photos for some, or friends and other photos for public and to all other members if you need so.
- My MailBox
'My Mailbox' is your in software mailer system in which you can send and recieve messages with other members.
The private messenger is used only and can be used only with your friends you have added in this application friend list and acts as an instant send - recieve secure message system but this choice gives you the option to send messages to all members inside this application regardless their state or if you are friends or not.
- My Radio
'My Radio' is there for any member that like to hear to his favorite e-radio while using this software or even for members that are broadcasting via internet their own prefered music and want to add this broadcast stream to our e-radio listing divided by country, area and city and also the name of the e-radio station.
You may want to keep in mind that not all e-radio broadcasts may be accepted.
Developers team have the right to decline or accept an e-radio broadcast stream without any reason.
Also developers team have the right to remove e-radios from the list if they find it neccessary.
- Private Chat
When you log in to your online account a new option of Private Messaging and Chatting appears on your right side of you online account Nickname and Membership Choises and another one indicating your logged in status to other members.
The 'Chat' sign is your Private Instant Messager that allows you to chat with your in application friends secure and quick.
Private Messager is using a service that connects you directly with your friends from your pc to their pc through our application so noone and nothing can get in your communications with them not even a server to deliver your messages.
The messages and all actions such as sending files or recieving files is encrypted and higly secured.
Except the instant messaging system other quick access links is added to your choices of Private Messager.
On your left screen is your friend list that you can chat and interact with any of your friends after selecting one.
On your main middle screen you have all the option for the selected friend to interact such as sending message or view the messages your selected friend sended you, sending or recieving files, showing or hiding to your friend that you are typing or not to him, clear message history, enable timing in the messages or not, send mail message, send gift, view their quick profile or even their full profile and many other options that may be updated later on in this Private Messager.
- The Online status indicates to other members about your status according to it`s 4 state labels.
All online statuses are informing your friends and all other members about your present status except the Unavailable which actually closes all conections of chatting and your status becomes as you were offline in case you need to use all other services and noone bothers you while doing so or for any other reason is needed.
In this state you cannot send or recieve instant messages but you can recieve messages from other members in your mailbox of this application or use any other online or not service you like.
- View Selected Friend Small / Full Profile
- Send Mail
- Send Gift
- Defriend
- Send / Recieve Files
- Exit Application
Exit application is the only correct way to exit this application without loosing any data or creating errors while exiting.
If you want to just logout from your online account you don`t need to exit but press the loggout that is inside the 'Membership Choices' otherwise for a quick exit of this application you can use only the icon on your tray and by 'Right Clicking' on it and then pressing 'Exit' will save your data and log you out in case you are connected online or just save your local data and exit the application.
- Close Application
'Close Application' is closing the interface of this application and minimizes it to the tray, it doesn`t exit or closes any service inside this application.
- How To Install
Download the zip file, extract it and run 'As Administrator' the latest version of the LInstaller.exe
It will create all the files and folders needed in the same directory that you run the installation exe.
No need to create any other folder or modify files.
It doesn`t affect your operating system.
- How to move the folder
In case you want to move the root folder LMacPad after installation or at any time you need you must exit first from the software.
After you move it to the new disk position enter in LMacPad folder and update the shorcut LMacPad to it`s new position by linking it to the LMacPad\LMacSys\Launcher.exe
Link this shortcut anywhere you like in your disk or system taskbars, start menu and other links you may need a quick access.
- Caution -
Do not move any files or folders of this application while is running, it will cause errros and malfunctions.
Do not copy the application for reasons of duplication, it can`t run twice in a same machine and you will be confused about your saved data and possible lose valuable data but you can copy the full applications folder for backup reasons.
This software does not affect the registry and operating systems and you can run it from anywhere you like, if you modify anything crucial to this application you may end up lossing your own data and the error may not be fixable.
- How To Update
The updates of this application are always automatic.
Do not try to force the applicaiton update or find any update anywhere else, this is not possible.
The application will check your files and folders validity and fix the errors automatically and if it needs a new version to continue using it, it will inform you about it.
There is no option about updating and if you don`t update if needed you cannot use the application cause it is a full suite that needs all it`s parts and function as well as connections to be udpated for many reasons and especially for perfomarance, so if you want not to update you cannot use this application any more.
The update is done automatically and the time of update is based on your internet speed or download server activity when the update procedure takes place.
All neccessary updates are done inside this software, just follow the one - two steps and let it finish the updates.
Your data is saved before the new update starts inside the MyBackups folder with a new subfolder named with the date and the time of the update started.
Do not close your internet connection while updating cause it will not download the appropiate updates and possible create errors and lose your data.
If anything goes wrong with the update you can always retry and if the problem continues you can go back to your latest backup that saved from this update and try from the beginning.
Do not download manually the latest installation and try to manually replace files inside this application`s folder, it is better and more safe for your data to let it update automatically.
= End Of Version 1.0 Index =
= Version 1.1 =
- LNotepad
LNotePad is a classic notepad but also with code syntax highlight as any code editor which allows you to read and write any kind of document in any code language. Not supported files will open like a text document without syntax highlight. But there is also the possibility to have color style even at text files according to your likes. Supported files will be colored with code syntax according to the settings that this language has. You can change the way you want to see color syntax highlight inside LNotePad at each language. Anytime you want to restore your basic settings back to it`s predefined ones you can just close LNotePad, delete the files you made changes inside subfolders of LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MyProperties and re-open LNotePad. Otherwise if you want to restore your own files you have to replace them with one of your previous backups of LMacPad.
For the first version of LNotePad the options and settings will be inside the external files at LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad folder. In later updates all these settings are planned to be moved encrypted inside the local database and with an easy to use interface for each setting and option.
- LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MyAbbrevations\\
- In this folder the abbrevation files can be created, deleted and edited at any time to serve your needs as a quick abbrevation (code shortcuts) in any supported language. You can use any kind of shortcut words you like by using and editing the pre-defined ones or creating your own files. Predefined abbrevation files will only be created once when you create a new account or when you delete and clean your database from the settings of LMacPad, it is wise to keep a backup of these files for later use or as a guide.
- LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MyProperties\\
- In this folder the settings files can be created, deleted and edited at any time to serve your needs by following the help instructions. Also keep in mind that the only options and settings that you can change are inside these files and many options and settings have been removed for ease of use. You can create as many themes as you like, add, edit, or remove code languages from your menou and LNotePad, set the printing or export options, link or remove abbrevations.
- LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MySessions\\
- In this folder the automatic LNotePad session file is saved if you choose to use this option but also can serve as a storage for your manually saved sessions so you can keep them all in one place portable and organized. Any (.session) file of this folder is saved also in backup folders when you create a backup of your local database from the settings of LMacPad.
- Sessions
Session in LNotePad is a file that keeps your last LNotePad opened files with their foldings and bookmarks inside it as a saved session. LNotePad has 2 type of sessions. The automatic session that saves at the same filename each time you open or close LNotePad and you can enable or disable this option. When you open the LNotePad it will open this session (if enabled) and if the filepaths can`t be retrieved LNotepad will overwrite the session without the missing files. Otherwise you will continue from where you left the last time you closed LNotePad. The second one is the manual way that you can save at any time you want from the 'File->Save Session' option and choose a name you like for this session. The manual saved session in order to be used again you need to load it from 'File->Load Session' option and it will not save any changes you made unless you re-save it manually but it will be saved as the automatic (if enabled) when you close the editor. When you use LMacPad at external disk drive as portable with the option to automatically save the session you are working on, always keep in mind that when you change usb ports at the same pc or using other pc will usual have different drive letters for ports. In this case files that are missing from the session file because the drive letter of the filepaths changed and cannot be opened you will lose all the bookmarks and foldings of these files inside LNotePad. If you want to have a better backup of your sessions while using or not the automatic option, use also the manual option and store your needed sessions with your preffered names at MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MySessions\\ and by that way you can load them without affecting them and also having a backup while you change pc or usb ports.
- Global Properties
Open the LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MyProperties\\LNotePadGlobal.properties by draging the file in LNotePad. In each option inside there you will find explanation and information of how to adjust anything if you need to change some setting. Also for more detailed information and settings you can visit the link which LNotePad is created from but keep in mind that many options are allready predefined as static. If you need some options to be dynamic again feel free to contact us and we may do that for you in the later updates.
- How to Create/Edit/Update a theme.
Open LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MyProperties\\ folder and copy-paste one of the predefined theme files at the same folder, rename it as you like but keep the extenstion .properties. Open the LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MyProperties\\LNotePadGlobal.properties file and navigate to [ Theme Settings ]. Copy and paste the line of 'import /MyProperties/MainTheme' and just repalce the 'MainTheme' with the name of your theme without the .properties extension, only the name of the file. After that place a # sign at all other imported themes except yours. Your new theme is ready to be used, Drag and drop your file inside LNotePad and start editing it. Open LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MyProperties\\Langs.properties file while you are editing your theme, this will help you change quick and easy the options you like according to the language you want to set. Beside the color syntaxing of the language you can set other options as well. For e.x. lets say you want to change the color of the commented letters/lines in all files when you open them in LNotePad. Navigate at Langs.properties file to the [Properties - Properties] section tab and find the # Comment line which is style.props.1=$(colour.comment.line). Now copy the name of the variable 'colour.comment.line' and switch to your theme tab to find it (Ctrl-f) you will find that colour.comment.line=fore:#a16812,$(colour.background),$(font.default),italics is using this style at MainTheme. Now at your theme you can overwrite the color part of it for e.x. fore:#a16812 to fore:#ffffff and save it. Your commented lines now will be automatically colored white. In the same way you can change font style and size, background and much more for every option inside each language that you may use. Keep in mind that many langauges are using the same variables such as $(colour.comment.line) for their comments and so on. Any change you made at one language may affect other languages too. For that reason you may want to create your own variables for specific languages so that are not affected by others when you make your changes in styles.
- How to Create/Edit/Update abbrevation files.
Abbrevation files are being used as a quick shortcut keywords inside code languages so you don`t have to re-write the full code again and again. So if you are a web developer and you are writing for e.x. an html document again and again you can save this code inside a shortcut keyword in an abbrevation file that is for web languages. You can create as many abbrevation keywords and files you like as many languages LNotePad supports except some of them which belongs to a group of lanugages such as web languages that refers to more than one (html, javascripts, css and so on). Open LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MyAbbrevations\\ folder and copy one of the language you use, for e.x. open the 'web.properties' inside LNotePad. You will see easy and quick how an abbrevation file should be. Open a new tab inside LNotepad and save it as 'Test.html', now LNotePad will understand that this file is an html document and syntax highligth will be enabled for it but also the abbrevations for this language. Now inside this empty file write 'htm5' and press (Ctrl+b) you will see that 'htm5' keyword will be replaced by a full html code that is defined inside the web.properties abbrevation file. In the same way and for any language abbrevation files works like this. Keep in mind that when you create a new abbrevation file you have to open LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MyProperties\\LNotePadGlobal.properties file and navigate to [ Abbrevations Settings ] tab. Inside that tab copy any of the existing ones and paste it as a new line. Rename the file to the name of your abbrevation file like all others as well. Open LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MyProperties\\Langs.properties and find the language your abbrevation wants to link to. for e.x. navigate to [Hex - Intel HEX] tab and copy the file patterns variable this language uses which is 'file.patterns.ihex'. Switch to LNotePadGlobal.properties tab again and now paste 'file.patterns.ihex' into the braces of your abbrevation line like this abbreviations.$(file.patterns.ihex)=../MyFiles/MyNotepad/MyAbbrevations/ihex.properties. From now on when you open ihex files (.hex) the abbrevations that you have in LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MyAbbrevations\\ihex.properties will be ready for use and attach to any (.hex) file with the (Ctrl+b) keys combination.
- How to Enable/Disable a language.
Open LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MyProperties\\Langs.properties and navigate to the language tab you want to enable or disable from LNotePad. Lets say we want to disable PHP language, navigate to [Php - PHP] tab and comment out with # sign the below variables which always are the firsts in each language tab. file.patterns.php=... filter.php=... *filter.php=... *source.patterns.php=... lexer.$(file.patterns.php)=... *language.php=... menlang.$(file.patterns.php)=... Your lines now should look like this : #ffile.patterns.php=... #filter.php=... #*filter.php=... #*source.patterns.php=... #lexer.$(file.patterns.php)=... #*language.php=... #menlang.$(file.patterns.php)=... Save Langs.properties and close LNotePad. Reopen it from LMacPad and drag and drop any .php file to check that this file and language will not have colored syntax highlight any more and there is no more Php lanugage option in the drop down menou. In the same way you can reenable any language you want but instead of commenting a language remove the # sign to uncomment the language you need. By default LNotePad has enabled all languages and you can restore the Langs file back to its predefined options by exiting LNotePad, deleting the Langs file and open LNotePad again. Note here that you cannot enter a new language by yourself. The only languages that LNotePad will understand is the ones inside the Langs file but you have a plenty of options to set any language options the way you like. You can even associate specific files (.xxx) for e.x. with any language you like to use it`s color syntax and keywords as a quick alternative.
- Same Files Languages.
Eiffel and Specman language uses the same (e.) files as extentions but different code syntax highlight and for avoiding conflicts you should only enable one each time if ever needed. When you want to use Eiffel syntax highlighting in (.e) files then enable Eiffel and disable Specman or the opposite. We have selected to use the Eiffel language as default for opening .e files. If you want to change it : Open LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MyProperties\\Langs.properties. Navigate to [Specman - Specman] tab and uncomment the next lines to be like the below ones : file.patterns.specman=... filter.specman=... *filter.specman=... *source.patterns.specman=... lexer.$(file.patterns.specman)=... *language.specman=... menlang.$(file.patterns.specman)=... Navigate to [Eiffel - Eiffel] tab now and comment the below lines to be like the below ones : #file.patterns.eiffel=... #filter.eiffel=... #*filter.eiffel=... #*source.patterns.eiffel=... #lexer.$(file.patterns.eiffel)=... #*language.eiffel=... #menlang.$(file.patterns.eiffel)=... Save Langs file and close LNotePad, reopen the editor and you can now use the Specman as default for e. files.
Almost the same conflict occurs in Matlab and Octave languages which both uses (.m) files as extentions but both use also and other file extentions. In this case we can use both languages but when it comes to use (.m) files again we have to decide which of the two languages color syntax highlighting we want for these files. So here instead of disabling and enabling the one or the other we can just add to the one we want the .m file option and remove it from the other. We have selected to use Matlab language as default for opening .m files. If you want to change it : Open LMacPad\\MyFiles\\MyNotepad\\MyProperties\\Langs.properties Navigate to [Octave - Octave] tab and replace the 2 similar lines with the below ones : file.patterns.octave=*.m,*.octave; filter.octave=Octave (m octave)... Navigate to [Matlab - Matlab] tab and replace the 2 similar lines with the below ones : file.patterns.matlab=*.matlab; filter.matlab=Matlab (matlab)... Save Langs file and close LNotePad, reopen the editor and you can now use the Octave as default for m. files.
- Supported Syntax Highlight In Code Languages
Asm - Assembler
Standard ML 97
Objective Caml
Apache Conf
Flash - Actionscript 3
Intel HEX
Tektronix extended HEX
Inno Setup
Registration files
SORCUS Installation File
Visual Basic
Visual Prolog
- LNotePad is a modified version of SciTe editor.
You may find the full documentation and help on settings and options if needed at https://www.scintilla.org/SciTEDoc.html
License of Scintilla and SciTE : https://www.scintilla.org/License.txt
- Watts Converter
- Frequency Converter
- Games
For quick entertainment and fun this option provides some classic single player and multiplayer games that will be updated with new ones from time to time.
All help and how to play for any kind of game is provided inside the games window.
The below list of games are inside the running version :
- 3 Towers
- Elevens
- 13 Pyramid
- Solitaire
- BlackJack (21)
- Chess
- Tetris
- Snake
- Tic Tac Toe
- Butterfly 9x Wheel
= End Of Version 1.1 Index =